
Topical Skin Adhesive n-Butyl-2-cyanoacrylate

Features of Truseal

  • Fast and secure closure of wounds
  • Convenient to apply – bonds in less than a minute
  • Good cosmetic outcome

Truseal should not be used internally. It has a built-in crushable glass ampoule package with a soft micro needle delivery system. To close the skin, first use deep dermal sutures in the wound to relieve tension, using absorbable sutures. Deep suturing may include subcutaneous and deep dermal closure or it may be a combination of both. After that Truseal can be used to completely seal the wound.

  • General surgery
  • Gynecological Procedures
  • Orthopedic Procedures
  • Surgical oncology – thyroid and breast malignancy surgery
  • Pediatric surgery
  • Dental surgery – dental implants, periodontal surgery, gingivectomy, extracting sites
  • ENT surgery – tympanic perforations
  • Topical skin adhesive
  • Dyed blue
  • Sterilized by ethylene oxide
  • One ampoule of Truseal contains 0.25mI of n-butyI-2-cyanoacryIate

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