Renovation Project for the Government Higher Primary School (GKBMS)

October 2023 | Kunigal, Karnataka

Kunigal’s near-century-old Government Higher Primary School (GKBMS) faced several challenges that hindered the students’ learning experience – from inadequate classroom infrastructure, lack of seating arrangements for midday meals, and a deteriorating building that led to leaking roofs. Healthium recognised these pressing issues and took on the responsibility of renovating the school to improve the students’ learning environment.

Our team stepped in and addressed the problems by:

  • Upgrading classroom flooring and conducting painting work for all 18 classrooms
  • Providing proper flooring and sheet cover for the midday meal area, ensuring a more comfortable dining experience
  • Repairing the building’s roofing and reinforcing it to prevent rainwater from seeping in


As a result of these renovations, the school’s capacity has expanded to accommodate over 600 students, providing them with a safe, comfortable and inspiring environment for their education.